Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Dear Madame Toujours,

I am concerned about the teenage son of my neighbor Meg. Young Jeffey is only sixteen. As you know, this is a very vulnerable age when young men are easily tempted to lust, and boys who are constantly bombarded by sexual sights may turn to drugs ...or worse, self-abuse. I'm sure Jeffey is a very nice boy, but I am worried because my neighbor has just hired a young woman to clean her house twice a week. I just happened to be looking out the window when this young person arrived, and I noticed she was wearing those legging things that don't hide a thing and a very skimpy shirt.

I mentioned to Meg that she ought to say something to the young woman about her attire, but Meg just said she was covered from her neck to her ankles and was a good housekeeper.

Madame Toujours, I'm sure this young woman just doesn't realize she is tempting young men to lust. Is there some polite way to take her aside and tell her to change the way she dresses? I don't like to stick my nose into other people's business, but someone has to think of the children!


Concerned Citizen

Chere Mme. Citizen,

Bien sur, everybody must always be considering the children, but also it is important that everybody is considering the comfort of the domestic help. The children, they are everywhere, but the good help, she is hard to find, n'est pas?

Possibly you are thinking that the young person, she is wearing the stretchy knit clothings because she is the slut who is liking to expose for herself the figure. But you are not considering that perhaps she is not being the exhibitionist. Perhaps she is only liking to have the comfort.

Eh bien, moi, I am being too old to be wearing the cotton/lycra blends, but often, I am looking with envy at the young persons who are bending and flexing with the freedom and the comfort. There is not the binding, the chaffing. How nice to lunge and pirouette, to flit about upon the toes. The drudgery of the housework, it is almost the dance, non?

"But Madame Toujours," you are saying, "What is the comfort when it is the lusts and the sinnings that are tempting the young boys? It is being up to les femmes to be keeping the young men pure in the thoughts."

Bah. Everybody is always worrying that les femmes, they are going about and tempting the young boys. This is the big sillyness. The young boys, they are not needing anybody to be tempting them. They are being perfectly capable of tempting themselves. Myself, I am thinking it is better that les hommes are having plenty of the opportunities to be tempted by les femmes. At least now they are knowing what it is they are lusting about. If they are not noticing les femmes then possibly they are becoming confused and thinking that they are lusting about les sheep or les household appliances.

Bon Chance, Mme. Citizen, and I am highly recommending for you to try the flexible clothings. At least for the housework. After all, what you are wearing in the privacy of your own home, it is only for you to know.

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